
Event Insurance (New)

Brown University may authorize the use of its facilities for non-business and non-political purposes. When this occurs, a specific policy governs the insurance requirements for these facilities. Other certain university events, such as co-sponsored events, may also require insurance coverage.

Purchase Insurance Coverage

If you need to purchase general liability insurance for a non-Brown event being held at a University venue:


Provide Your Own Insurance

If you are providing your own general liability insurance

The acceptable form of this documentation is a certificate of insurance showing evidence of general liability insurance to cover the event and use of University facilities. The certificate of insurance must provide a minimum of $1 million in coverage limits and include Brown University as the certificate holder and as an additional named insured for the event and use of facilities.

The certificate of insurance should be sent, two weeks prior to the event, to

Certificate holder information

Brown University
Insurance Office
Campus Box 1848
Providence, RI 02912

For any event where liquor is served by someone other than Brown University Dining Services, a certificate of insurance showing evidence of liquor liability coverage must also be provided.

Youth Camp Insurance