
Workers Compensation

Workers Compensation (WC) is state-mandated for employers to provide payment of medical expenses and partial wage replacement to employees who are injured while working. For injuries or occupational illnesses arising out of and in the course of one's employment, benefits may include but are not limited to medical expenses and, in some instances, some or all lost wages.

Injuries While Working

Every injury, regardless of severity, must be reported to the employee's supervisor immediately to ensure appropriate medical attention, if needed, and to remedy the condition or circumstances that caused the incident.

Supervisors should review the details of the accident with the injured employee, and the employee should complete the Brown University Injury Report Form and submit via email to the within 48 hours of the accident. Delays in reporting may jeopardize an employee's eligibility for WC benefits.

Injury Report Form (PDF)

Remote Workers Outside of Rhode Island

For Brown employees classified as remote employees working in states other than RI, the process for reporting injuries remains the same as for RI-based employees.

Medical Documentation

The Insurance Office must receive proper medical documentation from the employee's attending physician substantiating the disability and work restrictions as soon as possible to process claims for lost wages and/or medical expenses. 

If continued medical treatment is necessary, the employee must provide medical documentation of treatment and any restriction to work, to their supervisor after each appointment. The supervisor/department needs to forward the work status note to the Insurance Office. If physical therapy is needed due to an on the job injury, please see our Physical Therapy Program.

Preferred Provider Network (PPN)

Brown University has a Preferred Provider Network (PPN) in place, which was approved by the Workers' Compensation Medical Advisory Board.

The RI Workers' Compensation Act mandates that injured employees shall have the freedom of choice to obtain health care, diagnosis, and treatment from any qualified health care provider initially.

Any change by the employee from the initial health care provider of record will require selection from a health care provider listed on the PPN. If the employee seeks to change to a health care provider not in the approved PPN, the employee must obtain the approval of their case manager prior to doing so.

In the event an injured employee requires the services of a specialist within a category not represented within the PPN, the employee remains free to choose the health care provider of his/her choice.

Brown's Preferred Provider Network

Family and Medical Leave Act

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave runs concurrently with Workers Compensation leave time. 

Related Information

Brown's Return to Work (RTW) Program enables an injured employee's return to their original job with modifications, when possible, or alternative positions until capable of performing their original full duties.
The Physical Therapy (PT) Program is designed to assist employees who require PT during work hours as a result of an accepted Workers' Compensation claim.